Why am I here? Perhaps you thought I was going to tackle this question on a larger more philosophical scale about why I am here on earth? Really, I would like to just introduce why I am on this blog page and what I intend to do with my time as I journal. I have always been different. Through grade school and high school, I was always different, or "quirky". Sometimes my being different did not lead to Godly things. I am a rebel. I strayed away from the Lord for several years and did not find myself back in sync with him until a few years after my marriage. My husband and I felt a calling from the Lord to get back in church and start seeking his grace again. Since that time, I have been changed. Though I was saved and baptized at an early age, I did not begin truly living for Jesus until several years ago. And, I am still seeking how to do that on a daily basis. But, I'm still quirky! At the university, I was different because I was a Christian. In church, I am different because I am an artist. In our social circle, I am different because I am a wife and mother first. In my extended family I am different because I am educated. The list goes on. I have always felt upside down no matter what group I am in. And, today, I feel that it is okay because God made me for who I am and nothing else.
My question today is - what puts us in a worshipful spirit? God is the audience of our worship. It took me a long time to come to that fact. No matter what music we like, no matter what type of preaching we like to hear, or what type of church we belong to - the audience is always God. What puts me in a worshipful spirit is music. When I hear an old familiar hymn, my soul is opens up and I feel Jesus enter. Some people like contemporary, some like gospel, some do not like to sing at all. To me, it is the feeling that you get when you worship Jesus that matters.
What puts you in a worshipful spirit? Is it singing? Is it prayer? Is it listening to a sermon? Is it hearing or telling a testimony? Is it helping others? What is the meaning of praise? These are the questions I am seeking. And finally, how to you live a Christian life in this upside down world?
One thing I know that Christianity is not a religion, but it is a lifestyle. You could even drop the "style" and say that it is a life. Perhaps I am still a rebel. Except now, I would like to rebel against the upside down world that we live in today. I want to rebel against worshipping material possessions, being concerned with worldly success, and being popular in society. I guess I am just a quirky Christian.
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